miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2018

Using Docker and SQL Server


 In the last few years we've seen that web services are amoung us. Now microservices are the key Essence of these platforms. microservices to efficience the resources and as a response of that containers which are the microservices for the operative system at horizontal scale for vm machines cheaper and faster in which  dbms now live in.

In this scenario it is easier to mantain and develop, to manage the phylosophy to have Elastic Scalability attribute is to destroy if it is not in use as the resources represent money efficience due the velocity of it's creation.
All this is not new concepts, they've been around for some time since IaaS were designed.
So then what is a Microservice and how did it operate?

domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2018

Ideas y Experiencias acerca de un Plan de Recuperación de desastres

Creando Disaster recovery plan (DRP)
¿Que debemos considerar al diseniar nuestro Disaster recovery plan?
a continuacion identificamos ciertos aspectos de los cuales debemos ser concientes y considerar para nuestro DRP.
Cuales son los activos mas importantes enel negocio? En nuestro caso IT cuales son los activos que permiten la continuidad del negocio.
Priorizar es importante, crear yclasificarlos  como critico – importante –pruebas – desarrollo.
Debemos ser concientes de el presupuesto que ocupa la construccion de la inversion de el desarrollo de un Proyecto de un sitio de recuperacion de desastres, pues esto involucra como primera instancia la parte de infraestructura – recurso humano - contratos de servicio redundantes – posiblemente involucrar proveedores outsorcing de soporte de aplicaciones y por su puesto el tiempo invertido enactividades de planificacion, implementacion (desarrollo)  y pruebas .
Y por ultimo (pero no menos importante) la construccion de Estrategias de Backup, la cual es parte escencial de todo operación en el negocio.
Como lei  en un comentario muy acertado por  "Shower Thoughts from a DBA":
“You get paid for Performance, but youkeep your job with recovery. Unless you don’t have backups. if you don’t have backups, better polish up your resume”

Change Collation on an Installed Instance

Change Collation on an Installed Instance

Everyone has encountered the problem, when you have already installed a SQL Server with userDB already Deployed and  oops, somebody noticed that databases from inherit environment had a different Collation and more important,
there is no time to re-install the DBMS…. what can we do?
if we don't have other choice, there is still another way..
Well the following process is not documented by Microsoft, but it is possible to perform and works in newer versions. 

 Change the collation by setting instance in single user mode

Steps Overview:

Take FULL Backup for all  SQL Server instances and databases in the environment.

Make sure you script out your login and security information, in case you need to recreate SQL Logins, indexes, constraints, fk, computed columns, statistics.
(You never know….)
Identify where your binaries are…
Stop Database services on Cluster  SQL “Instance” targeted for your change .

Start DBMS in Service mode  (Single User mode) with start options: